Laws and Regulation |
Council of Ministers Regulation to Provide For Definition of the Organization Power and Duties of the Petroleum and Energy Authority |
Establishment proclamation |
Energy Proclamation No 810/2013 |
Energy Law Amendment June 2,2018 |
Energy Regulations No 447/2019 |
Regulation No 308/2013 Ethiopian Energy Authority Establishment |
Administrative Procedure |
Administrative Procedure Code |
Ethics Code |
Ethiopian Energy Authority Ethics Code |
Ethics Proclamation 1236/2013 |
Investment Regulation |
Investment Regulation No 474/2020 |
Procurement & Property Administration NO. 649/2009. |
የፌደራል መንግስት የግዥ የንብረት አስተዳደር አዋጅ |
የፌደራል መንግስት የግዥ አፈጻጸም ማኑዋል |
የፌደራል መንግስት የግዥ አፈጻጸም መመሪያ |
Petroleum and Energy Policies |
National Energy Policy |
Approved directives and procedures |
Energy Efficiency Supply, Distribution & Monitoring Executive Director |
Uniform System of Account USOA Directive of EEA |
The Issuance of License for Electric Supply |
Electricity Tariff Setting Methodology |
Mini Grid Directive |
Final Off Grid Tariff Application and Information Submission Procedure |
Revised Electricity Tariff |
Directive for the issuance of certificate to non-commercial Electricity Provides |
Directive on Clearance _ Volt 98A |
1034_የኤሌክትሪክ_ተሽከርካሪ_የኃይል_ሙሌት_ስርዓትን_ለመወሰን_የወጣ_መመሪያ_ቁጥር_1034_2017 |
Energy Efficiency, Verification & Conservation Executive Director |
Directive Energy auditors licensing |
Energy Audit Guide line |
Directive 006-2020-Energy Efficiency Service Provider |
የኢነርጂ አገልግሎት ሰጪ ኩባያዎች እና ኢነርጂ ኦዲተሮች የፈቃድ አሰጣጥ መመሪያ |
Energy Efficiency Service Provider and energy auditors licensing directive |
Energy Efficiency Supply, Distribution& Monitoring Executive Director |
Directive 006-2019-Energy Efficiency Program and Activity Plan |
Directive 005-2019-Energy Efficiency Strategy for Industries Buildings and Appliance |
Directive 003-2019-Voluntary Energy Efficiency Agreement |
Directive 002-2019-Energy Audit Guideline |
Energy Efficiency Supply, Distribution & Monitoring Executive Director |
Directive 001-2012-Quality of Service Standards for Grid Supply |
Directive 001-2011-Professional Competency Certificate |
Directive 001-2011-Amendment |
ለኤሌክትሪክና ኤሌክትሪክ ነክ ለሆኑ የንግድ ሥራ መስኮች የብቃት ማረጋገጫ ለመወሰን ተሻሽሎ የወጣ ጊዜያዊ መመሪያ ቁጥር 1/2010 |
Directive on Color Identification, Safety Signs and Consumer Safety |
Ethiopian National Distribution Grid Code |
Ethiopian National Transmission Grid Code |
Directives on petroleum |
904_የነዳጅ_ውጤቶች_የሥርጭት፣_የርክክብና_የሽያጭ_አፈፃፀም_መመሪያ_ቁጥር_904_2014 |
905_ነዳጅን_ከኩባንያዎች_በቀጥታ_በመግዛት_ለሚጠቀሙ_ተቋማት_የፈቃድ_አሰጣጥ_መመሪያ_ቁጥር_905_2014 |
906_የነዳጅ_ማደያ_በሌለባቸው_ከተሞች_እና_አከባቢዎች_የነዳጅ_የችርቻሮ_ፈቃድ_አሰጣጥና_የቁጥጥር_መመሪያ |
Price build up |
Targeted fuel subsidy |
Draft directives and procedures |
Energy Efficiency Supply, Distribution & Monitoring Executive Director |
Draft overhead electric lines clearances directives |
Energy Efficiency, Verification & Conservation Executive Director |
Draft Base line report : Assessment for the implementation of Solar Water Systems at Hotels, Hospitals and big Commercial Buildings in A.A |
Draft_SWH_assessment_report_Sep_10_2021 |
Energy Loss Assessment on Welding Transformers in Ethiopia |
Proclamation to regulate the trading system of oil products |
Amharic_Draft_Petroleum_Marketing_Proc_to_HPR2_Tahsas_13_2024.pdf |
Energy Policy |
የነዳጂና ኢነርጂ ባለሥልጣን ማቋቋሚያ ደንብ አጭር ማብራሪያ |
የነዳጅና ኢነርጂ ባለሥልጣንን አደረጃጀት ስልጣንና ተግባራት ለመወሰን የተዘጋጀ ረቂቅ ደንብ |
ረቂቅ የኢነርጂ ፖሊሲ እና ማስፈጸሚያ ስልቶች |
Strategies |
የኢ.ኢ.ባ የአሥር ዓመት የልማት መሪ እቅድ |
የኢ.ኢ.ባ የአምስት ዓመት የልማት መሪ ዕቅድ እቅድ (2013-2017) |
ETH_Strategy Memo for Regulation Modification_Final_ee |
Charters |
Citizen Charter final 2011 |
Research and other documents |
Energy efficiency and conservation |
Final_report_Electric_Motor_Energy_Efficiency_Assessment_15_June 2021 |
Final of final (MEPS Induction Motor) |
Electric stove prototype design April 25/ 2019 Amharic -Model |
Electric stove prototype wiring diagram April 25/ 2019 Amharic -Model |
Locally manufactured Electric stove EE labeling April 25/ 2019-Model |
Locally manufactured electric stove Design of prototype and list of required materials |
Locally manufactured electric stove prototype Training Manual 26 April 2019 |
High Efficiency Induction Heating Mitad (Korea – IH Mitad) test result |
Solar water heating Symposium Report |
Development of IH Mitad Stove |
Mitad stove manual (IH mitad stove manual) |
Project document On Locally manufactured electric stoves Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling |
Project Document Mittad Labeling |
Project document on Electric Motor Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling |
Other Documents |
Assessment for the Implementation of Solar Water Heaters to Hotels, Hospitals and Other Commercial Buildings in Addis Ababa |
Ethiopia Cost of Service Study Manual |
Technichal Inspection Guideline |
4c. ETH_Best Practices_FINAL_CLEAN_Sept 1 2020 ee v2 |
ETH_Implementation Plan_Final_09252020_ee |
ETH_TS and FS Guidelines_Final_10162020_ee |